Awarea Ethnicity in Aldern | World Anvil


the Conquerors of the West


Race: Human

Ethnicity: Dagmon

Alignment: The Awarea are a self-sufficient people allied through common culture, rather than loyalty. Most want to keep to their own, even from city to city in their own nations. This gives them a neutral or chaotic shift in their alignments.

Age: Awarea live an average 100 year lifespan.

Size: (Medium) Awarea are a tall, often thin people, 6ft is the most common height. There is little distiction between the height of men and women.


Language: Nearly at natives of Awiropa speak Awirean as their native language. Few have need of any other languages. the Common Tongue is known by some Awarea that dwell in Carlaton, especially dockworkers and merchants. 


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