Dagmon Ethnicity in Aldern | World Anvil

Dagmon (DAG mon)

the Conquers of the Seas


The dagmon people are part of the Human race, originating from the major continent of Dergonhad in the the Dark Hemisphere of Aldern. Dagmon have a distinctive appears with skin tones of dark shades of brown. Hair color is largely black, though lighter regional colors appear, especially in the western regions of the continent. Eye colors are almost exclusively brown, with amber and hazel appearing in the southern regions. Generations of contact between Dergonhad and Ethae and the resulting mixed heritages have seen children often show a range of blue eye colors, especially along the Cota Ocean coasts.


Contact between the continents originated a thousand years ago when the first dagmon ships appeared along the western coasts of Ethae, first as raiders and conquerors, later as traders and settlers. Since the first contact in the ages past, rich dagmon cultures have grown up along the western coastlands of Ethae.

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