Delargwat (del ARG wat)

the Deepwaste Sea


Delargwat, the Deepwaste Sea, is a massive underground freshwater reservoir siting somwhere around twelve miles below Anbar. The largest known in the world, being more than two hundred miles at its widest points. It is considered the divider between the Underdeep, west of the sea, and the Darkdeep to the east. The sea is feed from rain runoff trickling down through the ground until it reaches the reservoir. It is also feed by Yaren Juhl, from above its southern part. The rain deposits and Yaren Juhl waters gather above, and drip down from, the ceiling of Delargwat cavern's southern region like a light endless rain. It is believed this water from the surface takes at least a century to reach Delargwat in its slow travel through the ground. Two known 'rivers' exit the sea keeping the water level relatively balanced. Both rivers are found deep below the surface of the sea and drain into the unknown depths of the world.


The waters of this sea are traversable, though with great effort. The ceiling at its highest points are rarely more than twenty feet above the water level, with the vast majority of the reservoir cavern being no more than eight to ten feet above the water. In many places, especially along the western 'coasts' the ceiling drops below the water level is places, giving the illusion of many smaller chambers, though if one were to dip below the surface, they would see it is all a single great cavern.


The water of this underground sea is warm, averaging around 80 degrees. Its deepest caverns are often 10 degrees hotter, with the suface cooled, especially around the 'rain' regions.


Besides being the greatest source of fresh water in the Night Below, west of the Cutting Mountains, Delargwat is home to hundreds of species of underwater life, fish are plentiful, as are things far more dangerous.


This great natural resource was once complete under the control of the Juhl'are (dark elf), but as their influence dwindled, they lost control of the sea. It has now been carved up into territories for several underground cultures. All with an uneasy nonaggression treaty, as long as each group stays in their territory.

Underground / Subterranean


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