Underdeep Geographic Location in Aldern | World Anvil


the Underdark


Unlike Waterdeep and Darkdeep, both largely carved by Dwarf with some help from nature, Underdeep is a vast natural cavern network across western Anbar. Underdeep is divided from Darkdeep by the massive underground sea of Delargwat. The Underdeep tunnels were carved out sometime in the ancient past, possibly during the Randagri Period or Randeris Period of prehistory. Underdeep is, in many ways, as much a desert as the land above it. Nothing like the maze of passages that make up the other two regions. Here there is endless miles of long, unbranching tunnels, often tight and claustrophobic. A handful of natural caverns can be found throughout, where life clusters and fights to survive. Mercy is unknown in Underdeep, survival is the law of the tunnels.


Zith Morra can be found here at the northern edge of Underdeep, Under Pier’s Peak in Lhakamed. Originally an outpost of the Juhl'are city of Urbsussun, the outpost became an independent and strong city of its own, as its home city's influence declined. With the fall of Urbsussun, Zith Morra has become the lone dark elf power west of Delargwat. Though small in size and numbers, Zith Morra is working to bring tight fist of control around Underdeep.

Underground / Subterranean

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