Didel Island Geographic Location in Aldern | World Anvil

Didel Island (DID el)

the Isle of the Black Death


Didel Island is the southeastern most island of the Enisle Archipelago. It is twenty miles at its widest, with the western tip just two miles of the shores of its northern neighbor Badi Island.


The rocky island is dominated by an extinct volcano on its eastern end. The trees across the island are sickly and choked with vines, fungi and disease. Though extinct, it seems poisonous fumes still seep out of the ground around the ridge of the volcano. Within the caldera sits a putrid marsh full of decaying plants and animals that get stuck in the mud or unable to escape the steep surrounding cliffs.


There are fragments of Elf ruins scattered throughout the island. Most date back ages, but there are no modern structures on the island. Few dare travel to the ugly island and the pirates of Onon on Badi, just north of Didel spin tales of curses and murder. It is a no-man's land that they avoid. Sailors that land on the island and venture to far from their ships into the dark forests are never seen again. Outside the wild Roc that can be seen nesting in the high mountain crags, no other life has been observed.



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