Enisle Archipelago Geographic Location in Aldern | World Anvil

Enisle Archipelago (en is ILE)

the Hidden Islands of Tinjir


The Enisle Archipelago, at its closes, sits some 150 miles off the western coast of the Desert of Anbar. Despite being a relatively well know island group by seafarers crossing the northern Cota Ocean it is often overlooked or outright left off navigational maps. This has given it the moniker of 'the Hidden Islands.' A title that may have some merit of truth to it, as the Elf of the island are known for their desire for privacy. Many sailors avoid the islands all together in fear of these isolationist people.


The archipelago has three major island, two minor, and a number of reefs that make navigating the waters around the island dangerous. Formerly known as the 'Westwind Islands' and the 'Burning Islands' at different points in history, Enisle's modern name comes from a Dergon word ' "nesil" meaning 'ghost' or 'haunted.' A name coming from the disturbing sight of hundreds of Dagmon ships sitting a few miles off the western shores of Inage Island, the largest of the island. Hover just below the waves, never sinking or rising, never decaying from age, a warning to the western invaders.


The islands of the archipelago have been groomed by the elf and Fairy for centuries. Inage, an active volcanic island, is covered in a forest, deep, thick and full of magic. The eastern island of Badi Island and Didel Island once held elven settlements but have long been abandoned as the elves moved completely to Inage. Those eastern islands are largely left free for travelers to land and resupply if they need. While the elves allow travelers to use the eastern islands, they make clear to all that near their home there is a death penalty awaiting any that set foot on Inage itself, elves alone the exception. Merchant sailors who know of the islands tend to steer clear of the archipelago entirely, however. Fear of the elves, and ancient mysterious evils that are said to dwell on the other islands keep them at bay. This has made the eastern islands a perfect pirate haven. The elves watch these rogues, but ignore them as long as they make no effort to bother the elves of Inage.


Memory of when the elves came to the islands has long been lost to all but the oldest of Inage. Few records exist outside the archipelago that talk of the islands or their inhabitants. Those that do, point to elves from Zalpula arriving on Badi Island, some 3000 years ago, in the year 3877sc. That is the given date forthe establishment of the settlement of Onon. It is believed that the Zalpula elf migrated in mass to the island during the Black Collapse.


As stated above, of the Enisle islands, Inage is the heavily guarded heart of elven control. The largest of the three, Inage sits at the northwestern tip of the archipelago. It is an island with an active volcano at its heart. Much of the rest of the land covered in an unnaturally deep, ageless forest. It cannot be overstated enough, the elves will kill any non-elf (with the expection of fairy) found on the island, no mercy will be given. Shipwrecked sailor, lost merchants, or player character (yes this is a warning), it matters not.


The other two majors islands, Badi and Didel islands, along with the smaller islands nearby are rocky and mostly unpopulated. Sailors that have stopped to resupply on those islands will tell of feeling watched by unseen eyes their entire stay on any of the islands. Wild Roc nest on Badi Island and have been known to grab sailors that stray too far from their boats. None know what, if anything, dwells on Didel. It is considered haunted by the superstitious and few try to explore the interior of the island. Even the pirates of Onon avoid the nearby island. Those that do not heed warnings and go into the island's craterous interior, never return to their ships.


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