Onon Settlement in Aldern | World Anvil

Onon (OH nahn)

the Pirate King's Capital


Half-submerged, the marble and stone Elf city stands in ruins on the southern coast of Badi Island in the Enisle Archipelago. Much of the ruined structures sit below the waterline. The structures that still extend out of the waves are used by pirates as a haven town, having build rooms within out of old ship parts. The haven is sparsely populated throughout spring and summer, with the pirates spread across the Cota Ocean and beyond. It becomes a crowded lawless city during the winter as the raiders take shelter from the northern storms. Rafts and small boats are used to travel between the structures.


The island Onon rests on, and its southern sister, Didel Island have a cursed reputation among Cota sailors, making the islands a place none wish to travel, and a perfect home for the pirates. The elf that control the archipelago from nearby Inage Island watch the pirate haven, but do not act against them, and the pirates are well aware to stay clear of Inage on pain of death.


The original, ancient ruins of Onon was founded by Zalpula settlers in 3877sc.



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