
Bishoprics of the Church


A diocese is a governance district of the Northern Trijan Church. It is under the jurisdiction of an archbishop of the Church.


There are 28 diocese that form the body of the Northern Trijan Church. 21 of which cover the entirety of Novyum. 5 dioceses are in Anbar. The final two are in the the Dark Hemisphere, one being in northern Dergonhad and the second being in Na Boon. The boundaries of most of the Novyum diocese original from ancient province lines during the Lakorthian Age. Many of these lines in the modern day ingulf multiple nations creating a struggle for the clerical body to government often warring neighbors. Other boundaries cross current nations, some even cities, complicating matters as multiple archbishops often disagree on authority and advice. But they are an engrained legacy of the institution lasting though wars and politcial upheavals. That will not change.


An archbishop has absolute power in his diocese, with only the Ponti able to come in and override his authority. This is rare however. If an archbishop does not blatantly violate doctrine or tradition, and if he enacts the edicts handed down by the Ponti, he has freedom to reign over his region as he wills.


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