Northern Trijan Church

the Father Church


The Northern Trijan Church, sometimes called the Lakortha Church, the Novyum Church, or Father Church, is the northern division of the Church, the dominate monotheistic religion of Ethae. Its counterpart in the south, the Trijan Church of Jerain, holds the same core values and spiritual beliefs, with slightly differing doctrine and leadership. Originally a unified institution, this changed as Lakorth influence over Ethae waned, and the southern body of the Church became more remote. The Church's decline during the late Lakorthian Age due to corruption only furthered the division. A schism developed, followed by wars. Today though still a divided leadership, the Church has healed these wounds. Both divisions cooperating with each other to keep the faith strong.


The larger of the divisions in the Church, the Northern Trijan Church is the near exclusive religion throughout Novyum. It reach also holds strong in Anbar as well.


In Novyum, the Church, and its leader the Ponti, holds absolute power with the faithful, second only to God (Alu) in the eyes of the faithful. This has often giving them power over kings and nations. While this has had a corrupting effect at times through history, it has also been a beneficial matter for the common folk. During the decline of Lakorth, and later the United Kingdoms of Novyum, it was the Church's influence that keep trade routes open. Through the civil wars of the north, the Church brokers peace treaties and safe passage for the innocent.


The Anbar division of Father Church, while still part of the overall relgion, is far more liberal in their structure. Distant from the Church's power base in Novyum, bishops hold sway over their regions. Many of the region powers do not hold the Church in as high of regard. As such the local bishops and clergy are limited in their influence. This has given a ripe enviorment for faithful missioners to help the common folk that are often overlooked in Novyum's political landscape. It is also this loose structure that has seen a fertile ground for the more corrupt officals to build a power base away from the prying eyes of the Heartlands leadership.

Northern Trijan Church Hierarchy

Ponti - Supreme leader of the Church entire

Cardinalis - Members of the Episcopus Council

Archbishop - Leader of a diocese of the Church

Bishop - Senior clergy of the Church

Trijan Priest - Clergy of a church or temple

Cleric - Clergy unassigned to a church or temple

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