Edian Age in Aldern | World Anvil

Edian Age (EE dee an)

the Birth of Civilization

-- Randagri Period -- Randeris Period -/- Edian Age -- Areian Age -- Kephic Age --

1 sc - 1200 sc


The Randeris Period ends, and the Edian Age marks the beginning of ‘true’ history. The primary Jenuwan Order dating system, using the Siduum Calendar, considers the begins of the Edian Age as year zero and ending at 1200sc with the Areian Age. The written word spreads and civilizations grow around the globe. Sometimes referred as ‘the Age of Bronze’ as technology advances through these growing populations. The Dwarf spread their holdings across the Cutting Mountains, and the Elf through Karasaanu. Dragon worship is at its height through this age as mankind fall away from Alu and serve dragon-gods. The age ends with a war brewing between the elves of Karaasanu and the dragon worshipers in the Craddle Valley.

Edian Age




Events with no given date



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