Edict of Kusran Document in Aldern | World Anvil

Edict of Kusran

the Law of Blood for Blood


The Edict of Kuzran was a law created by King Kusran of Zalpula in 3625sc stating no Elf blood can be spilled by Humans, punishable by extermination of the entire family line of any human found guilty of said crime. The edict justified this by seeing it as a way of remove the stain of evil from the world.


Though the kingdom of Zalpula has long vanished from Aldern, the edict still holds true in some respects. It lives on in the bardic tales and theater plays that portray the Heroic Era heroes. These popular stories have spread the idea of the Edict of Kusran as being ingrained in elven philosophy. Though there is no true worldwide law in the modern day, through the ages some elves have used the edict as an excuse to extract vengeance on humans that have killed one of their own. Some going so far as to wipe out entire towns. Most elves are against this and will often punish their kin that try to seek these vengeful murders. Elves, being a private people, rarely share knowledge of these trials and punishment, perpetuating the myth that the entire elf culture enforces the Edict of Kursan. Something that many elves believe is a proper mindset to protect themselves from human aggression.

Decree, Royal


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