Kusran Character in Aldern | World Anvil


King of Zalpula


Kursan was son of Akavia and direct descendant of the Elf patriarch Soun. Kursan lived during the Heroic Era and was one of the many famous 'heroes' of the day. Tales are still told of his deeds. The most famous if which are the rise of the kingdom of Zalpula as a power in Tinjir, as well as his success in bring a small portion of Karasaanu partially back to life.

Upon ascending to Akavia's seat on the Zalpula council, Kusran declared himself sole leader of Zalpula as king, transitioning the council into a role of advisors rather than leaders. His first act as king was to outlaw the slavery of any Human. Though many questioned this, none opposed the new king. Kusran would also expand his council to include seats for humans to have a voice in the new kingdom.


Under Kusran the Zalpula government established the Edict of Kusran that outlawed the death of any elf at the hands of any humans. The punishment for this crime was the execution of the perpetrator and that human's entire family line.


Kusran was known to have had many human wives during his lifetime, some at the same time. He remaining committed to each through their life as they grow old and passed away. Many of his children from these wives would become famous adventurers of the Heroic Era which bards still spin tales of in taverns and inns, and mothers tell cradle-tales to frighten and inspire their children. The Tales of the Age of Heroes is a common book in many libraries throughout Ethae, even today. Though, it is believed some of these tales are modern versions of older songs and stories, or simply other stories with Kusran’s children being substituted as the hero of the story. Whatever the case, Kusran and his sons and daughters are some of the most well know elven heroes across Ethae, through much of its history.


Kusran fell in battle against Anthealglas the Ever Hungry when the Dragon attacked Zalpula its final time. Kusran's daughter, the heroic princess Mari Locnehta avenged her father, slaying Anthealglas and becoming queen of Zalpula.



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