Pemplum's Labyrinth Geographic Location in Aldern | World Anvil

Pemplum's Labyrinth (PEM plub)

Garden of the Greens


Sometimes refered to as the 'Garden of the Greens,' Pemplum's Labyrinth is thousands of square miles of forests, dark and twisted by the Dragon and giant Finno Trees that dwell within. Located at the northern edge of the vast forestlands that cover central Jerain, along the southern coast of Lake Bemused, Pemplum's Labyrinth is one of the deadliest environments in the world. Corrupted by the dragons that dwell throughout, the forest trees are dark, twisting and intertwining. A greenish mist often covers the forest. Poisonous and carnivorous plants cover the forest floor. The creatures encountered will not move or act outside the will of their dragon masters. The air grows thicker as one travels deeper into the region, causing laborious breathing, as if the trees are sucking the air out of the forest, rather than providing it. The ground itself seems to shift and move to hide tracks, obscure landmarks, intent on disorienting travelers. It is a land no one willingly should travel; only torturous death awaits.


The forest is named for the ancient green dragon, Pemplum the Potentate, who lived during the Edian Age and Areian Age. Stronger and more cunning than the other local greens, the dragon claimed the region as his own. He made Umu Dway near the north end the forest his lair and looked to spread his power. Over time, he came to control an ever-larger swath of forest as he dominated or killed any rival dragons in the region.


Pemplum, after dominating the region, established the Scaled Court. He used this court more as a manipulation of control, keeping the other greens fighting for rank in his 'kingdom'. Today, though Pemplum is long gone, the Scaled Court still reigns in the Labyrinth, controlled by a triumvirate of the strongest greens. After Dragonfall and the ages since, with elves hunting every dragon, the region has grown packed with greens. These dragons may not trust one another, but they know they will only survive in numbers. As such, ever foot of Pemplum's Labyrinth is sectioned off and controlled by a dragon and its mate. Their territorial borders as shifting as the forest around them as dragons wax and wane in power.

Forest, Jungle (Tropical)

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