Irkalla the Red Mother Character in Aldern | World Anvil

Irkalla the Red Mother

The First Red

  When Giru Mountain on the Gir Kur peninsula erupted in 4200 pre-sc, the Dragon Irkalla was born from the fire into the first red Dragon, said to be the mother of all reds. This account is recorded in the Epic of Can and is consistent with the red dragon's own mythology.

Little is written of her beyond the Epic of Can. She appears in several stories from the Tales of Kigal and Enos, but few take the accounts from this children's book as solid fact. Red dragons worship her, but know or care little of who or what she was. The Epic states she was the first carnivore of Aldern, flying out from her domain in Gir Kur to gather whales and other sea life as food. She avoids contact with the Daemon people, only interacting with other dragons.


Every tale of the Aggelomachy, involving dragons, include her influence over their decision to attack the people of Garden. Her hatred always on display, though she is never portrayed as fighting or killing herself. She is the puppet master behind the scenes of every dragon attack on mankind.

After the end of the war, she vanishes from history. Dragon myth claim she sleeps deep in the magma of Giru, waiting for to be risen to consume the world in the flames of revenge.



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