Daemon Myth in Aldern | World Anvil

Daemon (DAY ee mon)

the Golden Race


Told of in ancient surviving texts of stone and clay, such as the Epic of Can and the earlest Stonefoot Carvings, the daemon were a race of people lived before history was written down. These were the first people created by Alu and placed in the Garden of Aterleg. There is little description of what the daemon looked like, but it is known, according to the Sacred Codex, that they were beings of natural Anon (Magic), with strength of magic on par with that of the Elder Tree. The daemon could grow fruit by touching a plant. They wore no clothing, cold and hot was no bother to them. They could alter the weather around them at will. Night did not blind them. They know no need for sleep. Animals lived in harmony among them, talking freely, neither harming the other. Daemon did not age or grow sick, but would pass from this world, transforming into spirits similar to Aggel, as they neared a thousand years of life.


According to legend, Alu created three tribes of daemon, the Adaite, the Alumite and the Jaraite. Each dwelling in their own regions of Garden. The Adaite lived in the 'Cool Meadow' west of Aterleg, the Alumite in the 'Rolling Hills' to the north, and the Jaraite dwelt in the 'Quiet Forest' to the east. Beyond their names and locations, no description of these people is given in the ancient text. They appear in the accounts, usually stating they were the original three tribes and vanish once more, only being used later as refences to later tribes that branched off these originals.


It is said that from the daemon that the other great races of Aldern sprouted. Those that lived on the land and wondered the world would become the Human race. The deamon that moved up into the branches of Aterleg, grow in the Daanan of his embrace, saturated in magic, evolving into the Elf. While those deamon that traveled the mountains would become the Dwarf, altered by the Kianon at the heart of the world. These legends have led some among the Jenuwan Order to speculate these deamon must have been closer to human in appearance, pointing to these origin stories have the dwarf and elf transformed due to close contact with the different aspects of the Anon.

Daemon Tribes


Adaite - One of the three first tribes of man. Lived in the meadows of west Garden.

Alumite - One of the three original tribes of man. Lived in he hills of north Garden. Dwarves call them their anscestors.

Jaraite - One of the first three tribes of man. Lived in the forests of east Garden.


Canite - Descended from the Adaite Tribe. Became the first explorers and adventurers.

Feyite - Descended from the Jaraite Tribe. Caretakers of Aterleg, dwelling at the trees foot, and in its branches.

Setite - Descended from the Adaite Tribe. Lived in the foothills north of the Adaite and west of the Alumite.

Articles under Daemon


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