Alanspace Geographic Location in Aldern | World Anvil

Alanspace (ALL on)



Reginspace, Alanspace, or often simply Alan, is the term used to identify the solar system of those dwelling on the planet Aldern. To these people it is often referred to as ‘the Dark Awful,’ or in more ancient times ‘the Heavens Above.’ Within Alan’s Crystal Sphere the stars Uatu and Juva orbit one another in what is known as the Celestial Cycle. A twelve-hundred-year orbit, with the two stars being nearest to each other at the end of each cycle, and farther away in the middle.


Aldern is the only planet within Alanspace, orbiting Uatu, with its two moons, Ahrima and Ahura. Juva is known to have several thick asteroid belts, known to astronomers as Juva's Belt. Beyond these countless comets drift through the wildspace of the sphere. A nebula of blue gases, known as the Sea of Creation gathers at what could be considered the southern pole of the crystal sphere.

Star System
Game Note: The nature of the Anon (magic) in Alanspace causes a Spelljammer to lose most of its power inside the Alan's crystal sphere, only being functional in Aldern's atmosphere. While the 'pilot' retains the ability to steer, all porpulsion abilities of the Helm no longer fuction, a special 'Solar Sail' are needed on ships to move it through Alanspace.

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