Kefin Peak Geographic Location in Aldern | World Anvil

Kefin Peak

Mount Kefin


Kefid Peak, or Mount Kefin, is a mountain of the eastern Cutting Mountains, across the Arada Way, just south east of the Ireskanest Sea in Novyum. The mountain stands at just under twenty-five thousand feet above sea-level at its top.


Kefid Peak has always been a fortress mountain for the Dwarf people. The Cutting Mountains have been mined and tunneled for millennia, creating a vast network across the mountain range, known as Waterdeep, part of the Night Below. Kefid Peak is somewhat unique among these dwarven mountains, in that its entire upper quarter is a hallowed mazes of tunnels and chambers, with an open-air core. It is a masterwork of dwarf construction and mining. The peaks steep slopes keep snow from building up, with its semi flat peak having a central large hole drilled down to allow snow to fall deep through the mountain, creating water reservoirs at its base.


The natural outer walls of Kefin are tapered from nearly 100 feet thick at the base of the fortress, to only 10 feet thick near the top to aid. This not only helps with weight distribution, but it also adds defense against attack. Attackers would have to climb steep slopp of zigzagging roads up the mountain under heavy bombardment from battlements high above, only to find a single tunnel with multiple gates waiting for them to access the mountain fortress. Kefin has only one access to the Night Below as well. A shaft 200 feet deep, straight down, with only a single steam elevator to traverse the distant and a massive iron iris at its top to cut the tunnel off from the lower world. Its higher levels are no less defended, with small, dwarf size, access tunnels dotting the mountain connecting to battlements on the outside. Each Battlement with siege weapons able to hurdle rock far down the mountain or sharp massive metal rods that have the able to take down a Dragon.


Within, at the lowest level, is a great water reservoir that makes burrowing in from below near impossible without drowning as the water floods into whatever tunnels cut. Above this, is the mountain access from the outside and the Night Below elevator. This level, and the few above are called 'the Castle' by the dwarves. They house the mountains military. Beyond that are entire levels dedicated to food growth for the citizens of the mountain. The living quarters for the families are above this. Finally, the top levels are dedicated to storage. Between each of these level groups is a level dedicated to forges and heating of the mountain, helping regulate the temperature throughout.


Kefid Peak has never been breached. The greats skulls of six dragons hang in the central shaft, defeated foes that tried to destroy the mountain.

Mountain / Hill


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