Kelos Tree Species in Aldern | World Anvil

Kelos Tree (Key LOHS)

the Peak Trees


A distant offshoot of Umu Tree, native to the lesser continent of Uluru. Kelos trees grow with many tangled trucks glow together, forming a single body, as the Umu do. But, they do not grow as tall.


The trees are planted at the center of Yin’feri villages and are sacred to this Elf communities. Kelos grow naturally on peaks of the Sereghel mountains. They are not found anywhere else on Aldern. Though they can been taken and transplanted alive, their seeds will not grow in the soil of other lands.


The tree produces a nutty fruit in its top branches during the spring. The few Kelos trees that have been taken and transplanted away from Uluru will not grow this fruit.


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