Sereghel Geographic Location in Aldern | World Anvil

Sereghel (SIR g hell)

the Isle of the Birds of Paradise


The island called Sereghel sits off the east coast of the Island of Uluru, making up the eastern edge of the lesser continent of Uluru. It is a mountainous land densely covered in forests. A forest groomed and maintained by the native Yin’feri Elf. Unlike other elven forests however, the Yin’feri do not sculpt nature to their will, but rather let it flow freely. Many areas of the island are so overgrown that travel is near impossible. Sick plants are removed, but beyond that the Yin'feri will not alter the flowing growth of their trees.


Flower gardens line the islands coast, providing colorful landscapes during blooming seasons. To the elven culture of the islands, these are warmings for outsiders to stay away. Flower gardens are also built around villages as defence for others invading tribes, as no Yin’feri would dare damage a delicate flower. However, the beauty of these flower fields has lured more than a few sailors to their doom, landing to relax only to find themselves prey to the natives.


The Yin’feri dwell stone hewn villages in the heights of southern mountains. These villages are near the tops of the mountains, carved around its peak, sporting terraces and gardens. The tip of the peak these villages are built on are dug out to plant a Kelos tree, a distant offshoot of Umu Tree. These trees are the heart of each village. Believed divine, the Yin’feri have a near worship love for the kelos of their village. The fruit of which is the only plant life the elves of Uluru will consume.


Megalithic structures, overgrown with vine plants dot the coast of Seroe Bay. These belong to no elven village or person, simply existing at a staging ground for hunts to the Island of Uluru.

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