Kigal the Child of Irkalla Character in Aldern | World Anvil

Kigal the Child of Irkalla (KEE gal)

the Red Friend of Enos


While there are an endless number of stories with Kigal the Child of Irkalla in them, few truths are known of this Dragon outside the fact that he lived during the Randond Period. It is not even known if he really was a child of Irkalla the Red Mother. Our source of information on Kigal is the Tales of Kigal and Enos, a popular children's story book across Ethae. The book has evolved over time, adding and taking away stories based on the times and cultures. Only the origin stories have stayed roughly the same through time, from the current printed copies to the oldest clay tablets found in Ancient Siduum.


These stories portray Kigal in various ways throughout, from a mischievous almost cat like pet, to a fearsome monster ready to kill to defend Enos' family, to a curious buffoon joyous of ever encounter. He's most common incarnation in the stories however is the loveable rogue, almost dog like, looking for new things, dragging a reluctant Enos along with him.


The parts of the Tales that have been accepted as true are as follows: Kigal was a red dragon that left his homeland in Gir Kur to see the world. The dragon comes into contact with Enos of Enish. The meeting is peaceful, with the two being curious of the life the other lives. Kigal comes to live with Enos' family.



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