Randond Period in Aldern | World Anvil

Randond Period

the Age of Stone

4800 pre-sc -- 3600 pre-sc


The Randond Period was estimated to roughly ten thousand years into the past from the modern day. According to Jenuwan Order records the Randond beings at 4800 pre-sc and ends at 3600 pre-sc, beginning of the Randeny Period. It is considered the start of history Alu created the Daemon in the Garden of Aterleg.

Randond Period


4700 pre-sc - Elder Tree Brimad grows.

4600 pre-sc - Aradu built by the Alumite.

4500 pre-sc - First artifical Nura created.

4400 pre-sc - Canite leave Garden.

4300 pre-sc - Elder Tree Borg grows.

4250 pre-sc - Giru Mountain Eruption.

4200 pre-sc - Noch built by the Canite.

4100 pre-sc - Elder Tree Onoma grows.

3900 pre-sc - The first wine is created.

3800 pre-sc - Shell and pebble jewelry.

3700 pre-sc - Tales of Kigal and Enos.

3600 pre-sc - Fire used for cooking.

Events with no given date



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