Maine Language in Aldern | World Anvil

Maine (MANE)

Tinjir Native Common


Maine is the principal tongue for much of the Thoamaine Peninsula. Though to the confusion of outsiders, it is actually two, very similar, but distinctive dialects. Originating from the ancestral tribal language of Mainesha, brought to the peninsula by its first settlers in prehistory. The many tribal languages Mainesha birthed over countless generations have slowly condensed down to the two regional dialects. While the natives consider both as simply Maine, scholastic circles have dubbed the two as Western Maine and Eastern Maine. Western Maine, spoken primarily in the north and west, has absorbed much influence from the many eastern invaders that have dominated the land. Eastern Maine, on the other hand, had many similarities to the older Lhaka language. To the outside ear the two Maine tongues sound distict from one another, however fluent speakers of either say these differences are little more than inflections in the vowels that make it sound as such. Eastern Maine is slowly dying out, only spoken today in Mainor, or found in written form within rare old tomes of noble private libraries.


Brava - Bull

Calib - Tremble

Ev - Of

Fe - the

Raca - Race


Brava - Bull

Of - Ev

Race - Raca

The - Fe

Tremble - Calib


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