Mainor Organization in Aldern | World Anvil

Mainor (MANE or)

the Witchlans


The marshy Land of Mainor sits at the western base of the Thoamaine Peninsula. The Land of Mainor (or simply Mainor) is remote even by Tinjir standards, with the Anbar desert in the south, the high peaks of the Theo Val Mountains to the east and the deep waters of Tobia's Gulf to the west. These lands are littered with crumbled structures from societies dating back to before the Black Collapse. Natives of Mainor, the Maine, are no different, having dwelt in the land from the most ancient days of humanity. This is an old civilization, clinging on to the ancient ways. It is a near mythological land to outsiders. Even the other Farland peoples find the land mysterious and strange. A remote country, far outside common trade routes and travel, Mainor is often left alone and forgotten. Those few that travel to the land only go as far as Hurrian, the only port city of its marshy coasts. Most leave as soon as their business is complete, claiming an unnerving feeling of being watched at all times, but never by anyone seen.


With much of the cetral landscape is covered in swamps and marsh forests, while the remaining land its the sharp rocky mountains of the Theo Vals. Outside of Hurrian, the humans of Mainor dwell in settlements atop the hills and mountains in their domain, making their civilization even more isolated from the outside world. It is a land led by the Qwn’yia, a ruling class of witches. The Qwn’yia maintain an armies of warrior women, known as the Ha’mazan, and the minotaur created by the witches. Maine men, more often than not, make up the bulk of the town’s crop farmers and laborers, while women not of the Qwn’yai or Ha’mazan make of the craftsmen, merchants and other middle social classes. Those few men that stand out as warriors, are forced to join the ranks of the Qwn’yia personal chambers, never to be seen again.


The Maine dwell in opulent fortress cities built on high locations that give the citizens a view of the surrounding region. These towns, often referred to as ‘Palaces,’ are for all intents and purposes a single structure, slowly growing out. At the heart of these palaces are the most ancient buildings, some centuries old, and at the highest point. Palaces are a maze of add-on rooms, buildings, shops and apartments; some tall and expansive, others simple. The palaces are designed for defense and difficulty to navigate for noncitizens. The largest of these palaces, Merlianni, has spread onto two hills, and has stood for at least two thousand years. It is the dwelling place of Maquli, the people’s ancient Qwn’yia queen, said to be as old as the most ancient of elves, with power to match.


The floodplains in the lowlands of Mainor surround Argoa Bay and are covered in reed marshes, peat bogs and swampy forest. The northern most of these is the Sarhara, a vast wetland that is home to the Sarhareia lizardfolk. The Sarhareia keep to their distance from the locals and pay begrudging respect to their Qwn'yia rulers.

Geopolitical, Magocracy

Capital: Merlianni

Native People: Maine

Native Language: Maine

The 'White Eye', 'Witch Eye', 'Eye of Mainor', or countless other names. The banners of the cities across the land sport the Silver outlined white irised eye the Qwn'yia are known for. It is said where ever the eye hangs, the witches see.

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