Lhaka Language in Aldern | World Anvil

Lhaka (LOCK ah)

the Tongue of the Desert

The language of the historical Lhakamen people dwelling throughout the southern regions of Tinjir and northwestern Anbar. Primarily used by the desert communities today. Most ancient tomes and Thoaform Alphabet stone carvings found in western Anbar are written in this language.


Lhaka seems to be a sister language to Sidubi, with both sharing similar sounds and sentence structures born from their roots in ancient Enisha. It is believed these two languages branched from each other sometimes after Dragonfall, at best guess. Lhaka is believed to have arrived in Tinjir with the ancient Shrog that colonized the region in the days before the rise of Zalpula. Its branching away from Sidubi is shown most in the influences from the the Maine language of the Thoamaine Peninsula, with many Elf words mixed into it.


Marta - Daughter

Mara - Son


Daughter - Marta

Son - Mara


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