Merico Islands Geographic Location in Aldern | World Anvil

Merico Islands (mair EE coh)

Merico Archipelago


The Merico Islands, or Merico Archipelago, is a cluster of islands off the northwest coast of Jerain. Though closer to the coast of the Southern Reach of Ethae, these islands often get linked to the Western Reach geographically rather than its closer neighbor. It is more often shown on Anbar maps than Jerain. This is due to the islands sittting in the Cota Ocean, between the Sea of the Ten Sisters and the Pool of Ginham. This is considered due to the Merico Confederation trading with the Anbar nations of the Sea of the Ten Sisters.


Merico islands are covered in mountainous tropical forests and ideal for the native Sugarcane to grow. This has made the Mericans of the islands wealthy, as they produce much of the sugar supply across Ethae and the world.



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