Sugarcane Species in Aldern | World Anvil


Zuccarum Grass


Sugarcane is a type of tall grass that that can grow anywhere from 6 to 20 feet tall. Native to the Merico Islands the plant is used in the production of sugar. The milled and processed sugar from these reeds is used worldwide for food flavoring. It is often known as 'Merico Spice' in many nations of Ethae.


The Mericans of the islands have been growing and using sugarcane for somewhere around 6000 years. It wasn't until the rise of Old Capedo and their network of sea trade in the Valmon Age that sugar use began to spread. The Capedian would call it the 'Reed Honey.' The industry has only grown through the ages since.


For much of its history, the Mericans held control of the secrets of sugar. This changed in the Novyum Age when the United Kingdoms of Novyum was able to conquer the islands. Today sugarcane can be found growing on farms in other tropical regions of the world. That being said, the Mericans still are the largest distributer of sugar across the world.


There are rumors that the sugarcane plant was introduced in the Dark Hemisphere in the western tropics of the major continent of Dergonhad. These rumors claim vast forests of sugarcane are invading the region. Some locals see this as a blight to their homelands, while other work to try and profit from the new species.


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