Pool of Ginham Geographic Location in Aldern | World Anvil

Pool of Ginham

the Strangling Sea


The Pool of Ginham, sometimes the Ginham Sea, or Ginham Gulf, is a part of the Cota Ocean that sits between the western coast of northern Jerain and the Merico Islands. It is often miscategorized as being a part of the Sea of the Ten Sisters, which sides on the west side of the Merico Islands, while Ginham sits to their east.


The deep waters of this sea are thick and vibrant with seaweed forests below the waters, many of which grow to the surface, or just below, easily tangling in ship oars and rudders. This has made navigating the waters difficult as older clusters of weeds can die away as new growth fills new locations. The Mericans of the islands have developed flatbottomed shallow boats good for skimming over the waters and seaweed between islands and the mainland.


Ginham is a biodiverse region that is home to hundreds of seaweed types, many of which are eatable or used in products like soap and other alchemic recipes. The waters often appear with a green tint during the summer months as the sun light reflects off the abundant life just below the waters. These underwater forests are home to thousands of fish and crustations with attract predators that can be dangerous the sailors of these waters and swimmers. Locals still swim the waters, harvesting the valuable sea plants as well as the sea life within.


The Pool of Gimham, though dangerous and costly is still traveled by many heading into the Sparre on their way to New Port Lion. Those that do not want to risk their ships getting trapped in the kelp or other weeds will find that the Mericans have developed an entire industry of foreign ships porting on the ocean side of their islands, crossing over the islands to be shuttled in Merican shallow boats to the city in the bayous. These Merican shuttle ships often make wide arching trips to up the price, claiming the need to avoid thick kelp that their boats could actually easily cross. The pilots also like to take detours, showing their passengers ships stick in the weeds, some only eerier shadows below the waters trapped halfway down in the forest.


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