Mount Sintin Geographic Location in Aldern | World Anvil

Mount Sintin

Gabal Sintin


Mount Sintin is a peak, and in general, also includes the associated mountainous surrounding region. The mountain's peak is at 8,900 feet, but due to the deep river valleys cut into the land, its steep slopes give the impression that it stands as tall as some of the eastern mountains that reach upward of 20,000 feet. Mountain Sintin is located in the far western region of the Cutting Mountains of Ethae, as the range reduces in elevation as it nears the Craddle Valley of Anbar.


In the prehistoric periods the mountain, and its surroundings, were known as a nestbed for Kobold and other worse creatures of the ancient world, living in the caverns that seem to be riddled in the southern slopes of the mountain. with the rise of the Kephic Empire across the Cutting Mountains these creatures were largely eradicated or pushed out. Today the mountain stands largely quiet and empty, primarily known for wild goats and avians that use the mountains ancient ruins and caverns for shelter.


A small cavern high in the mountain is a holy site for the Sintin Kobold, occupied with only a few dozen older kobolds that have survived the pilgrimage up the mountain.

Mountain / Hill


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