Sintin Kobold Ethnicity in Aldern | World Anvil

Sintin Kobold

the Menace of the Craddle


In surviving scrolls from Ancient Siduum libraries, and according to their own mythology, the Sintin Kobold were created by the ancient Dragon Mufu the Lord of Skies during the era of ice that plagued the world after the Aggelomachy. Dwelling in the rocky crags and caves of the western Cutting Mountains, these kobolds served their master a messenger and menace to the Valan people of Craddle Valley. In later ages their large numbers and swarm tactics were an early threat to the budding Kephic Empire of the Dwarf people. Ultimately the dwarves won their war with these creatures, slaughtering and pushing out every last one from their mountains down into Craddle Valley.


The Sintin latched on to every dragon that ruled over Ancient Siduum through the centuries after Mufu was gone. Looking for a patron that will protect and guide them to the glory that their myths say they once held under Mufu. This has gone poorly for the kobolds as the dragons rulers of Ancient Siduum only saw them, at best as tools, but largely as foolish fodder that would run off a cliff if the dragon willed it. By the end of Ancient Siduum the kobolds were a shadow of their ancient numbers. The Umaybbad Orc that ruled the valley after their defeated the armies of Ancient Siduum only made matters worse, as orc seem to favor the taste of kobold meat and blood. The Sintin were driven to near extinction before the fall of the Umaybbad.


Today, the Sintin Kobolds survive in small clans scattered across the Craddle Valley, primary in the hills and mountains on either side of the valley. The decline of the Kephic Empire has seen some of these communities move back up into the mountains, with the highest caves Mount Sintin being a holy site for them to travel to. When a Sintin kobold reaches 50 years old it is expected to make the journey up the mountain to the cavern complex of the clan, there they receive their name and remain to waiting for Mufu's return. Most don't make it to the site, a lone kobold is easy pray for predators and people.


Where other kobolds have a love of gems, the Sintin seem to lust after Gold. These creatures will dip their horns and claws in liquified gold to coat them in the metal. A ritual that has cost more than a few their life, or a limb. But the status among their kind is worth it in their eyes. Not just for the wearing of gold, but the fearlessness this represents.


Sintin Kobolds are thin membraned ears, and spikelike protrusions on their heads. These small horns grow from the sides sides or back, and rarely the top. Those that have horned atop their head are seen as cursed, having done something against their community or dragon in a past life and are usually killed as soon as the horns begin to grow. This usually occurs in their fifth year of life. Centuries of struggle have made them much more interesting in survival, causing Sintin Kobolds to be smarter than their kin from other clans (add 1d4 int points above the average). Some even showing skill in prowess in Magic arts.


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