Kobold Species in Aldern | World Anvil

Kobold (KO bold)

Minions of the Wyrm


Created by Dragon in ages past, the tiny kobolds where always found serving the great wyrms. In the modern day these creatures are found in mountain caves throughout Ethae. Though not the smartest, they are clever, and use traps and numbers to make of for their physically weak nature.


Kobold communities are large, breeding (and dying) fast. They are led by matriarchs that are seen as avatars of their dragon patron. A community will continue to revere and worship their creator dragon, even long past that dragon's death. Fanatical believers in reincarnation kobolds know their dragon is out there, even if its the afterlife, somewhere speaking to them through their matriarch. These communities have a deep hatred for Elf, for it is these creatures that sent their beloved patron into the cycle of reincarnation.


Community is all important to the little creature. Individuality is frowned on for the first couple decades of life. It is only if a kobold lives to fifty that they gain a name. It is also around this age that the kobolds begin to feel the need of self-preservation for the good of their community, surviving to share their knowledge with others. Younger kobolds have a near suicidal obsession with reincarnation, as well as providing for and protection their community. This makes them aggressive and fearless in fights.


Natural burrowers, some of the strongest kobold communities survive due to leverage their ability as diggers to aid in mines of other races. One such community is the Seely kobolds, that have worked out an alliance with the local Human to mine copper in exchange gemstones and protection from the regional Orc that see the little beasties as tasty snacks.


Kobolds, despite their underwhelming intelligence are skilled at learning and using languages. They easily learn the complicated Draconic language and quickly learn local languages. Every kobold knowns the Common Tongue.

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