Mursila Games Tradition / Ritual in Aldern | World Anvil

Mursila Games

the Peace Parades


Created in 4444sc, by Polis and Pampont, allied city-states of the Lhakamed region of Tinjir, the Mursila Games tradition was a way of keeping tension between the two rivalled allies and their people in check. Other coastal city-states round the Mursil Sea (modern Tobia's Gulf) were sometimes invited to join the games, though this was sporadic at best in the early days of the games.


Held annually in either Polis or Pampont, the cities alternating year to year. Warring states were invited, but clearly warned to keep conflict out of the games, with the current city host given the authority to execute any breaking Mursila rules. The games would last a week, and would be as much about drinking, music, and dance as it was about the sports. It was often the only time rivals would meet in a peaceful location, with trade deals and peace treaties often happening behind the scenes. Bloodshed was rare and harshly dealt with.


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