Musrunkan Species in Aldern | World Anvil

Musrunkan (MUS run kahn)

Rock Snails


Musrunkan are sea snails native throughout the Cota Ocean. Experts consider them native to the Gulf of Ad Allir, but believe they migrated west across Cota attached to the hulls of ships. In Dergonhad, they are considered a destructive invasive species, effecting the coastal ecosystem. Colonies are found in the waters between the island of the minor continent of Uluru as well.

These snails are a large aggressive predatory species. Their shells grow long spines with poison tips that incapacitate anything pierced by them. This give the snail the opportunity to climb onto the living body while it lays on the sea floor, excreting a slim that dissolves the flesh for the snail to consume.


The spines of the musrunkan are collected by the Dagmon of Dergonhad to be used as dart tips. Though each snail only has small doses, the musrunkan poison is also collected and used for various purposes, including by dagmon doctors to keep patients still when needed. On Uluru the Yin’feri, immune to this poison due to their Elf blood, use it in meals as flavoring meat. It is said to taste similar to vinegar, and give a little tingle on the tongue. The Uluru elves also extract a substance from the snails glands to create a purple dye used in tattoos for the tribes.


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