Naga Species in Aldern | World Anvil


the Snake Men of the Mountain


Naga are a race of hybrids, half Human, half serpents that reside in their kingdom of Patala-loka in southern Jerain on the major continent of Ethae. Their origins are shrouded in more myth than understanding. Many claiming them as monstrous creations from the Aggelomachy of the prehistoric periods, like so many other monsters. Other legends give them a divine origin, existing long before that heavenly war, and residing in their homeland far south of Garden even as early mankind was being created. Still more tales speak of the naga dwelling in the Beyond Aldern and traveling to the material world at some unknown point in history.


Naga, as stated above are a hybrid species, with tremendous transformative abilities. They can appear in the form of a common, if not extra-large, snake or a human of Somon decent. Their human and snake form are distinct to them alone. Naga cannot use their transformative ability to look like other people, races, or creatures. They can however appear in any mix of form between the two. Their natural forms depend on the clan, with some seeming naturally more human or while others more snakelike. The most common form being a humanoid body with the head of a snake.


The Naga are led by the Nagaraja (king of nagas), who reigns over all Patala-loka. Nagiraia (queens of naga) lead their own clans in territories throughout Patala-loka on the Nagaraja behalf. Societal norms have the females, called Nagi, dwelling in the vast crystal caverns below their clan territories, while the males reside in the misty forests of their deep valleys above ground. The two only interacting for mating purposes in ritual caves. Beyond the Nagaraja, and his Nagiraia, who go where they please, it is taboo for the sexes to enter each other's domains. There is no marriage in their society, with males and females mating with whomever they encounter in ritual mating caves. The only exception to this the Nagiraia, who are for the Nagaraja alone.


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