New Open Settlement in Aldern | World Anvil

New Open

Old Nopum


Arguably one of the most important cities of Novyum, second only to Lakorth, New Open controls all sea trade across along the north coast of Ethae. Its strategic location the northern tip of the Nopum Peninsula places it in an idea location as a layover location for maritime trade.


Though it is claimed to have been established by the Capedian as a northern outpost during their reign over the Novyum's seas, a fishing village is known to have existed on the site since the earliest explorers reach the far north tip of Ethae. The Capedians built up a fortress port to protect their northern assists and carved out the harbors that are still used to the modern day.


With the decline of Old Capedo, the port city, called Nopum at the time, become independent, but would quickly allies and then join the growing Lakorth nation. Its wealth and control over northern sea trade solidified during the Lakorthian Age, becoming independent once more as Lakorth declined. It and the kingdom of Nopum that formed around its wealth and influence were a light in the Dark Era of Ethae. A fact that did not change during the era of the United Kingdoms of Novyum reign over the Northern Reach.


Today, the United Kingdom of Novyum, along with most of its member kingdoms, are gone, but Nopum and its capital of New Open remains, still the bright light of the north. While it is not an agressive nation as the like of Old Capedo and Lakorth before it, the Nopeli influence across world trade give it a footing to be the next power in the north.

Large city


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