the Sparre Geographic Location in Aldern | World Anvil

the Sparre (SPER)

the Lifeline of Char'wyn


The Sparre is a deep-water channel that flows between the trade routes of the Cota Ocean and the inland cities of the Char'wyn in eastern Jerain. Ten miles wide in some places, the Sparre's brackish waters is the only routes through the Chambray bayou for large seafaring vessels. The shores and waterways of the Chambray, and the Toe Islands, north of the Sparre, are littered with the corpses of rotting ships that sought alternative passage into the heart of Char'wyn, with only those traveling the Sparre finding their way safely through. Much of the region around the Sparre is lowland swamps, marshes, and bogs dangerous to travelers. This makes the channel vital for the survival of Char'wyn.


There are several legends of how this deep, overall straight, waterway was created in a region of relatively flat lands. Legends claim a supernatural carving of the deep trench by ancient monsters in prehistory, while others claim a more mundane answer of the simple flowing of the water slowly carving it out over the ages. There is no definitive answer, and the people of Char'wyn don't really care, as long as the lifeline to the world remains open.


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