Redhand River

the Rudhunn River


The primary source of life in Toemanshire, the Redhand River, runs its course west to east through the kingdom. It originates in the western Areian Peaks and flows into Tobia's Gulf on the northern coast, near the kingdom's eastern border. The river's name, Redhand, comes from a bastardization of its ancient Elf name, Rudhunn.


The river's water is said to be infused with the ancient Magic of the Areian Nations in the mythical past. The riverlands along the Redhand's banks are extremely fertile, even near a harsh desert. Plants and trees grow unnaturally fast in the river valley. The land will quickly become overgrown within a few decades when left untamed and unfarmed.


While the river's life-giving fertility is vital for maintaining farms for food, the river's true benefit for the kingdom is the water, which has innate healing qualities. It is one of only a handful of known sources of water used as the primary component of healing salves and potions.


The Rudhunn Reed along the central river's banks is a favored source of papyrus among magic-users. Skilled crafters can create superior scrolls and pages for spell books. While parchment and paper are more common and convenient, Rudhunn papyrus can retain magical properties that everyday items cannot.


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