Areian Peaks Geographic Location in Aldern | World Anvil

Areian Peaks (are EE an)

the Zalpula Range


The Areian Peaks is a mountain range located on the northwestern coast of Anbar, on the southern coast of Tobia's Gulf. The range's mountains are spread over a two-hundred-mile area, east to west, with the majority of the more prominent peaks concentrated on the western end of the range. The three tallest mountains, Soun's Peak, and Akavia Peak in the west and Pier’s Peak in the east stand nearly twenty thousand feet above sea level.


The deep riverland valley of the Redhand River cuts through the range, starting from springs in the western heights and making its way east, then north, emptying into Tobia's Gulf. This fertile valley has been home to many flourishing civilizations throughout history into the prehistoric ages. Today, the kingdom of Toemanshire controls the mountains and their valleys.

Mountain Range

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