Saltcedar Species in Aldern | World Anvil




Saltcedar is a dense growing shrub tree, growing 6 to 26 feet tall. Native to the Thoamaine Peninsula, the tamarisk has spread across Ethae over the ages and can be found in wetlands across the continent. The evergreen flowers from spring to autumn with a pink to magenta bloom. Its roots grow deep, sometimes as deep as 30 feet, and spread to search for water. Saltcedar is a hardy plant, able to grow in saline and alkaline soils, and can be found in most marshes, floodplains and riverbanks. It is extremely hard to kill, regrowing after burning or freezing.


The plant's leaf is cook and eaten throughout Thoamaine, and said to have health benefits. Qwn’yia of Mainor, as well as Trijan clerics, used the leaves to ease an upset stomach, and crush them into a paste to be added to healing salves. The Maine people have found a way to extract a sweetener from newly grown sprout of the bush, which is a heavily demanded export for the nation. The process of creating this sweetener is a secret to keep the value and demand up.


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