Shai Rank/Title in Aldern | World Anvil

Shai (SHA ee)

Steward of Siduum

The title of Shai is a political-religious granted to the leaders of Ancient Siduum. These were the highest ranking piest of the Dragon-gods that ruled nation in the past. The title vanished after the fall of the Siduumites when the Umaybbad Orc conquered their nation. It has resurfaced in recent years as the many tiny successor states in the Craddle Valley have tried to regain the glory of the ancients.  

With the consolidation of power in the Craddle Valley falling under the Mysobia banner the title has shifted into the equivalence of king. The term Shaidom refers the nation and governments ruled over by a Shai. In a similar way that a king is ruler of a kingdom, a Shai rules over a shaidom

Religious, Political


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