Mysobia Organization in Aldern | World Anvil

Mysobia (my soh BEE ah)

Siduum of Old


Its primary land holdings being in the central Craddle Valley, its people the Sidobians, the descendants of the Siduumites, Mysobia is often mistaken as Ancient Siduum reincarnate. The nation's leadership even claim the title of Shai. There are no Dragon ruling in Craddle Valley however. No Cult of the Wyrm to whisper in the ears of the political powerful. The shaidom may look for the glory of the ancients, but they are far from it.


The modern shaidom of Mysobia is built among, and atop the ruins of the past. A modern road might fill in the patches of the roads of yesterday. A traveler walking the streets of Mysobian towns may find themselves in front of what looks like an ancient temple, only to discover its hollowed-out inners have been reconstructed as a home, shop, or brothel. The shadow of a single wall from past constructions cast shadows on modern markets. It is a land where antiquity meets today.


Since the days of Ancient Siduum falling to the Umaybbad, war and destruction have been the norm for the Craddle Valley. The Orc conquered and destroyed, only to be conquered and destroyed by Lakorth. With Lakorth's decline and the people of the valley's independence, warlords rose to fight for control. They in turn were conquered by the orc once more. Who were in then broken under the spears of the United Kingdoms of Novyum. A cycle of death and destruction for a dying land.


Again, the power of the Heartlands declined and the Novya withdrew control over the ruins of Ancient Siduum. In response the Sidobians once more created a dozen petty nations, little more than city-states. Each thinking themselves the heirs of the ancients. It was the tiny military state of Mysobia that rose from this through strength of arms, political maneuvering, and control of trade.


Mysobia today is in a cold war with its southern neighbor Hydossia. Both trying gain absolute control over the tradelines across the Craddle Valley, both holding half the puzzle. Despite little love lost between the nations, open war is avoided. It is unprofitable and dangerous. The Juhl'are of the Mountains of Poe is a threat, real or imagined, that the shaidom cannot afford to underestimate. Their rivals in the south are busy with the Orc of Kal Kissuti. Each nation smiling and trading with the other. Each known the other to be plotting with a knife behind their back if every there is a chance to strike.

Geopolitical, Theocracy

Capital: Kara Mara

Native People: Sidobians

Native Language: Sidubi

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