Sshal Language in Aldern | World Anvil

Sshal (SHAWL)

the Tongue of the Sshalke Kursudu


Sshal is common tongue of the tribes of Lizardfolk) that dwell in the the Chambray of northeastern Jerain. Sshal uses many physical gestures along with the sounds to create the word. Sshal has deep connections to other races languages, with the Sshalke who speak it having vocal range similar to Human, unlike others of their kind that have a more hissy whispering voice.

Sshal, like the people who speak, does not have a system of past or future tense. Everything is present to these people.


Ashum - (reed) Basket

Chaka-sek - Ritual (coming of age)

Deek - Tree

Deekleth - Teacher

Delaa - Border (tribal territorial)

Desheeku - Friend (non kursudu)

Dooku - Shaman

Eejum - Opening (one can walk through)

Eenu - Soul (of a kursudu)

El - Eye/Eyes

Enoo - Water (shallow)

Feek - Plant

Geelu - Soul (of other races)

Greel - Enemy (non kursudu)

Golvu - Enemy (a kursudu)

Gulweet - Ambush

Hal - Hidden

Haptal - Family

Hotsel - Winter

Hosh - Darkness

Hosho - Night

Jek - Sting

Jekka-wass - Warrior

Kaarl - Chieftain

Kaja - Dragon

Kathu - Snake

Kesha - Outcast

Kha - War

Krono - Big

Kot - Water (murky)

Kota - Black

Ku - Lost

Kudu - Fool

Kuk - F-Word

Kurs-mashu - Crocodile

Lesheeku - Friend

Lhaaza - Butterfly

Luklok - Slave (human)

Luklul - Slave (kursudu)

Malgi - Magic-User

Malsu - Human

Mekeel - Lizard

Moto - Hunt

Nesheeh - Tribe

Nog - Forbidden

Oj - Elf

Ojel - Orc

Olk - Bowl (for food)

Pah - Dwarf

Ponjee - Meat

Rajaka - Dirt (dry)

Seek - Marriage

Setha - Float

Sha - Frog

Shaja - Boat

Shaja-meeko - Ship

Shun - Sun

Sisel - Spring

Sona - Swim

Stohu - Storm

Sshal - Speaker/One who Speaks

Tah - Secret

Tar-saka - Wave

Thel - Egg

Theleel - Aldern

Thota - Insect

Thux - Serpent

Thuxis - Liar

Tum - Root

Uth - Bed

Vos - Stone

Zeek - Seed

Zel - Tribal Territory

Zola - Death


Aldern - Theleel

Ambush - Gulweet

(reed) Basket - Ashum

Bed - Uth

Boat - Shaja

Black - Kota

Big - Krono

Border (tribal territorial) - Delaa

Bowl (for food) - Olk

Butterfly - Lhaaza

Chieftain - Kaarl

Crocodile - Kurs-mashu

Darkness - Hosh

Death - Zola

Dragon - Kaja

Dirt (dry) - Rajaka

Dwarf - Pah

Egg - Thel

Elf - Oj

Enemy (a kursudu) - Golvu

Enemy (non kursudu) - Greel

Eye/Eyes - El

F-Word - Kuk

Family - Haptal

Float - Setha

Fool - Kudu

Friend - Lesheeku

Friend (non kursudu) - Desheeku

Forbidden - Nog

Frog - Sha

Hidden - Hal

Human - Malsu

Hunt - Moto

Insect - Thota

Liar - Thuxis

Lizard - Mekeel

Lost - Ku

Magic-User - Malgi

Marriage - Seek

Meat - Ponjee

Night - Hosho

Opening (one can walk through) - Eejum

Orc - Ojel

Outcast - Kesha

Plant - Feek

Ritual (coming of age) - Chaka-sek

Root - Tum

Secret - Tah

Seed - Zeek

Serpent - Thux

Shaman - Dooku

Ship - Shaja-meeko

Slave (human) - Luklok

Slave (kursudu) - Luklul

Snake - Kathu

Soul (of a kursudu) - Eenu

Soul (of other races) - Geelu

Speaker/One who Speaks - Sshal

Spring - Sisel

Sting - Jek

Stone - Vos

Storm - Stohu

Sun - Shun

Swin - Sona

Teacher - Deekleth

Tree - Deek

Tribal - Territory

Tribe - Nesheeh

War - Kha

Warrior - Jekka-wass

Water (murky) - Kot

Water (shallow) - Enoo

Wave - Tar-saka

Winter - Hotsel


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