Sshalke Ethnicity in Aldern | World Anvil

Sshalke (SHAL kee)

Chambray Lizardmen


Sshalke, or more commonly Chambray Lizardmen, are the kursudu (Lizardfolk) of the Chambray, the great bayou of northwestern Jerain. These lizardfolk of the swamps are some of the oldest known tribes of Ethae. Many among their people consider the Chambray as 'the motherland,' where the first of their people spawned.


The Sshalke are a tribal people, with nine known tribes scattered throughout the bayou, six of which are in the Chambray itself. These tribes are larger than typical lizardfolk communities elsewhere on the continent, with each tribe consisting of a cluster of nearby villages working together. The different tribes have little contact with one another, each keeping to their territory. These territorial lines, defined by waterways throughout the bayou, are instilled in every Sshalke from birth. As is the instinct to never cross into other territories.

A Sshalke that enter another tribes' lands or leaves the bayou itself is considered 'soul dead' by the people. That kursudu can never return to their tribe. Nor will another tribe welcome them. While their own tribe may only shun them, contact with an other tribes will most likely result in death. The only exception to this is when a tribe gathers a warband to venture across the Sparre into the Toe Islands region of the bayou. These parties travel to hunt and kill the hated Bullywug of the region known as the Ranixal.


The lizardfolk of the Chambray and the Human of Char'wyn have a somewhat unspoken pact of nonaggression. fisherman brave enough can travel into the bayou can do so, as long as they stay in their boats. Should a human set foot into the soil of Sshalke territorial lands, that human life is forfeit. Lake Barra, stands as the 'neutral zone' between the two cultures. A deal that amuses the Sshalke who do not understand the expansion attitude of humans and would never think of leave their territory or expand their domains. In turn the humans of Char'wyn believe they have the better deal, keeping the lizardfolk in the useless swamplands. Which is useful for Char'wyn because the Sshalke keep the dangers that dwell through bayou in check.


That said, Char'wyn townsfolk are relatively indifferent to the lizardfolk. The nation is, most likely, one of the few places on Ethae a kursudu will find that people not hostile to them. It may not always be friendly, but it is rarely hostile. The humans have come to understand a bit of Sshalke culture, dwelling so close for generations. They understand that these lizardfolk respect space and territory. Sshalke entering human territory will be passive and accepting to local customs, for it is human's territory to do with as they please.


The citizens of Char'wyn are also well aware that a lizardfolk walking into human territory is considered an outcast from their own kind. Some humans have taken advantage of this or the years, enslaving these Sshalke. Others have accepted the Sshalke into their communities. They may not be considered equal citizens of the community, but they will be treated well. Those that can adapt, find work among the humans. Often these Sshalke work on farms, or as hunters and scouts. Those that struggle to adapt to life in human towns will find their way as an adventurer, wondering the world with their new 'tribe'.


Despite a very lizard-like head, Sshalke are described as less lizard-like than some of the other lizardfolk across Aldern. They stand straight backed and tall. Their tongues and throats are better equipped to handle other languages than most of their kind. This gives them the ability to loss much of the hissing and glutaral accents common to lizardfolk when speaking other tongues. Sshalke features are usually sharp and well defined, with a somewhat uniformed color to their scales. Tribal scale colors seem to be very similar, but those educated in such things can tell the tribe of a Sshalke even at a distance from their scale color. Scales appearing to be natural colors, shades of browns are most common throughout, but green seems to be dominate in the southern bayous. Males grow a hard ridged spine from their head down to their shoulders, while female's ridge remains softer and much more of a spiky frill. A male ridge horns will grow throughout their life and are kept under control by having a mate rub stones along them to keep them filed down. Small handheld 'grooming stones' are given to a female by a potential mate as a sign of trust and intimacy, with these heirlooms' stones passed from generation to generation.

Ability Score Modifiers:

A Sshalke can increase any one score by 2 and increase a different score by 1, or increase three different scores by 1. (But cannot increase one score by 3)


Alignment: Sshalke, like all lizardfolk struggle with understanding morals, as such nearly all seem to tend toward a neutral alignment. They do understand and appreciate rules however, and as such often follow a lawful alignment. Born into a wild world of they bayou, the people look to find order in the wild, as such Sshalke rarely are chaotic in alignment.

Age: Sshalke have a similar lifespan as a human, thus live about a century at best.

Size: (Medium) Like all lizardfolk, Sshalke are comparable to humans in size. 6 feet is considered tall for a male, with females reaching a similar height.

Speed: 30

Bite: Kursudu have sharp teeth which, if unarmed, they can use as an effective weapon. This is a slashing attack of 1d6+str bonus.

Deep Lungs: A Sshalke, though spending much of their time on the lands of the bayou, do swim often and can hold their breath for up to 15 minutes if needed.

Frenzied Hunger: As a bonus action, a Sshalke can make a bite attack. If the attack hits, the Sshalke gains hit points equal to its strength bonus. This attack can be used a number of times equal to the strength bonus. After which cannot be used again until after a long rest.

Scaled Flesh: The scales of a Sshalke are tough, granting an base AC of 13+dex bonus if they are not wearing armor.

Connected with Nature: Sshalke's connection with nature allows them to learn two of the following skills: Animal Handling, Medicane, Nature, Perception, Stealth, or Survival.


Language: Sshal is the native language of the Sshalke people (which literally translates to 'speaker'). Sshalke outcast and adventurers learn the Common Tongue to communicate and survive.


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