the Chambray Geographic Location in Aldern | World Anvil

the Chambray (CHAM brA)

the Bayous of Char'wyn


The lands that surround Lake Barra are hard to categorize by many. Some have referred to the land as a shallow bay with many islands, others see it as a great river delta that has waterlogged the land. To the people of Char'wyn it is 'the Bayou' and its western region, south of the water way known as the Sparre, between Lake Barra and the sea known as the Pool of Ginham, is 'the Chambray.' This region, as with all the bayou is a lowland filled with water, some flowing, some stagnent, some wide enough for ships, others little more than streams. The islands between this brackish water are a land muddy quagmire, thick cypress marshes, and grassing wetlands. The Chambray is a land of predators, disease, and insects the size of children. Human do not survive there long there.

The Chambray is controlled, loosely, by Lizardfolk known as the Sshalke. Their tribes dwelling deep in the bayou on the larger islands. The lizardfolk avoid the others as best they can, hunting and living in the Chambray as they have since before the humans arrived. They consider the Sparre, and the ships that sail it, off limits to attack. A show of nonaggression in return for humans respecting their dominion over the Chambray.

Wetland / Swamp

Articles under the Chambray


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