Twilight Court Organization in Aldern | World Anvil

Twilight Court

the Elfin Court


Called the Elfin Court by the humans of Novyum, and sometimes referred to as the White Court, or the North Court, the Twilight Court is an alliance of Elf in the north of Aldern. All elven communities north of the equator are subject to the Court. The Twilight Court is ruled over by the White Queen, a Soun'are of ancient origins. She reigns through a council of leaders from every elf community within her influence.


The Court is a very loose entity, holding little sway over the lives of its people. Largely it is more of a symbolic alliance than a governing body. The leaders rarely gather as a single body, unless in time of crisis. Largely each is left to their own will. On occasion one or more will travel to the Enisle Archipelago to meet with the White Queen. Usually when she summons them.


Inage Island, the western most of the Enisle Archepeligo is sometimes called the Twilight Court by elves. As this is the only known location that the White Queen appears to her people.

Alliance, Cultural


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