White Queen Character in Aldern | World Anvil

White Queen

Ilyranna Fey'are


The White Queen is the only known Soun'are to still live in Aldern. Though her true name, Ilyranna Fey'are, is written is some ancient manuscripts, it is never spoken aloud. She is only ever called 'the White Queen'. To speak her name is considered a curse, and those that do seem to vanish with no trace soon after. The White Queen reigns over the Twilight Court. Her thone based out of the Enisle Archipelago, off the west coast of Anbar.


Her origins are shrouded in unknowns that extend far enough back into history that her life began before the written word. She is known to have dwelt in the Areian Nations and fought in Dragonfall. She is recorded as being in Zalpula, helping Kusran in his attempts to regrew Karasaanu, but had vanished from the records again by the time of Anthealglas the Ever Hungry final attack on Zalpula. It is believed she joined the elves settling the archipelago she now calls home sometimes during the Black Collapse, and is considered responsible for the creation of the Mantle of Inage Island that protects the island today.


Like her appearance throughout history, the White Queen is rarely seen in the modern day. Her dwelling is unknown. She is said to live in eternal meditation, watching and protection her people. On occasion she wakes to stroll through her forests, offering advice to those she deems worthy of appearing before. She will also sit upon her throne, summoning those she wishes to speak to, even from across the world. As non-elves are never allowed on Inage, no living being other than elf and Fairy have seen her. Tales of her voice drifting into the hearts of kings throughout Tinjir and Novyum through the ages is the stuff of legend.



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