Tovelner Building / Landmark in Aldern | World Anvil


the Gates of Yamakyn


Tovelner, the Tovelner, or plural Tovelners, or the Tovelners, or even the Gates of Yamakyn, are a series of stone fortresses raising out of the waters at the mouth of Kamay Bay on the Fafnir Peninsula of Ethae. The towers span the narrowest part of the bay entrance. which is just over five miles wide. There are hundreds of towers along the line, each at varying distance from its neighbors, anywhere from one hundred feet to one thousand feet, but never out of sight of one another. The towers grow near to each other at the center, with the widest gaps being along the coastlines. While these towers were fully manned fortresses guarding the entrance to Kamay Bay at the height of Dwarf power in the area, in the modern day they act more as watch towers for monatoring traffic in and out of the bay. They are manned by no more than a dozen dwarves at best, but often two to three at most.


If one were to look below the waves, they would believe the towers to be built on the coral beds that are common in the Gulf of Ad Allir. This is false however, while the coral does thrive and grow alone the Tovelner's path, they themselves grow on the undersea walls built by the Dwarves of Yama. It is claimed that the dwarves carved a mountain a flat valley to gather enough stone to build their five-mile wall along the sea floor. A few lines in a Stonefoot Carvings in Skip implies this to be true and that the mountain was stood north of Giru Mountain. The same Carving counters this however with claims of the wall being made of concrete blocks, made from coral. Both are most likely true, with the foundations behind sunken quarried stone, with the concrete walls built above, closer to the surface. The truth will most likely never be known, the wall it deep below the waves, and, as stated, deep under coral beds.


Concrete columns extend out of the coral wall to the surface, solid and unmoving, act as bases for the towers. At the surface this base extends up above the water for 20 feet with boat bays and docks for various size of boats and ships. Atop these foundations the five-story tower stand housing the occupants and their supplies. Each of the towers are uniform with the others, with anyone known one tower easily able to navigate the others. Only weather and time has altered the appearance of the outer walls of the tower. Seeds and soil have drifted across the sea through the centuries, some finding root on the towers. The Dwarves see this as natural and do not interfere with the growth, as long as it does not Undermind the integrity of the towers, their base or their mission.


Rumors of a tunnel that connects the towers, running within the coral, along the foundation wall have spread over the years. Dwarves dismiss these as fanciful human tales out of the taverns. As non-dwarves rarely set for on any of the Tovelner, and even less are allowed to explore, there is no way to confirm these tales.

Acropolis / Citadel


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