Kamay Bay Geographic Location in Aldern | World Anvil

Kamay Bay

the Black Bay


Kamay Bay is an embayment of the Gulf of Ad Allir, located on the northwestern coast of the Fafnir Peninsula of Anbar, on the major continent of Ethae. Sitting at just over thirty miles wide at its longest, east to west, the bay is believed, by the Dwarf, to have been created by an early Gilgurth impact, though this is debated. Its water depth is largely double that of Ad Allir, with steep undersea cliffs, rather than the opposing gentle slopping sea floor of the gulf. This has given its waters a darker huge than the shallower waters, which has caused the sea to be given the moniker of 'the Black Sea' by many Human sailors.


The bay has been under the absolute control of the Dwarven nation of Yamakyn, with some calling they entire bay Yamakyn's Harbor. The vast majority of the dwarven fleet drift in the bay, patrolling or anchored. Dwarven fortress towns line the mountainous terrain surrounded Kamay Bay. The largest of these being Skip, the nation's capital. At the mouth of the bay in its southwest is Tovelner, a series of several hundred stone towers raising out of the water to guard the sea entrance to the bay, and Yamakyn.



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