Dwarves of Yama Ethnicity in Aldern | World Anvil

Dwarves of Yama

Kamakyn Keph


The Dwarves of Yama, or Kamakyn Keph, are Dwarf from the kingdom of Yamakyn on the Fafnir Peninsula of western Ethae. The nation was founded by the Kephic Empire during the wars with the Juhl'are. The Empire established the southern fortresses to open up another front in the fighting as the dark elves encroached on the Cutting Mountains after conquering the Dwarves of Poe. The military traditions from their foundation remained through the ages, long after the war ended. A tradition that sees every dwarven citizen of the kingdom serve in the armed forces. This includes the women of the society. Often expected to remain in the cities of other Waten Dwarf societies, the Yama women serve alongside their men in duty at home, and abroad.


Aside from their land forces, the dwarves of Yamakyn are a naval power in their region, long controlling the Gulf of Ad Allir, and at times the Sea of the Ten Sisters as well. Yamakyn fleets were the first to humble Viakagi invaders in the early years of the Viakagi Era. In a time when the Dagmon raiders were pillaging freely across the western coasts of Ethae, the dwarves of Yama had successfully forced the invaders into a peace treaty that lasted through the era. Today, while the nation has diminished, its navy still stands as a power in the seas around Fafnir.


Like other Waten dwarves, those of Yamakyn stand between 4 to 5 feet tall with wide, powerful builds. Women stand around a head shorter than their male counterparts but are often just as stocky and strong. While these dwarves are famous for their ashen hair colors, shades of brown are actually far more common. Married women mark their status with hair dyes made from sea snails like the Musrunkan of the gulf. Deep purples to a bright pink are most common, depending on personal preference and her dye making skill. Widows dye their hair black, some for a year or two after their husbands passing, others for the rest of their natural lives. Eye color of the dwarves of Yama are dark browns for both men and women. Though other colors, and lighter browns, are seen, they are rare, and often found only in communities where non-native dwarves have settled.


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