Val Avin Organization in Aldern | World Anvil

Val Avin (Val AH vin)

Breadbasket of the Gulf

Val Avin has long been known to most of Tinjir as a serene land of high gentle mountains, famous for wheat fields in the lowlands and wineries in the hills around their mountains. Its rich volcanic soil and regular rain made Val Avin the ‘Breadbasket of the Gulf.’ The remote location has, until recently, left the rural people with little need of any organized army or centralized government. Rather, the Vallen have traditionally relied on a chivalric order of knight-errant known as the Knights of Avin. An order that once traveled from town to town in small groups seeking innocents to defend, policing the land. The Knights of Avin took vows of poverty and relied on the locals to provide shelter and food. A knight staying under one’s roof was an honor any Vallen could brag about for years. The Scaro Conquest has left few of these knights left, as most fell holding the horde back, given many time to flee. Those that remain were escorting women and children to safety far from the battles that felled their brethren. Those survivors now live as fugitives in the wilderness, often hidden by sympathetic locals. These locals, if caught, learn the brutality of their Orc overlords firsthand. But most still remember the honor of old and risk the wrath of the orcs to protect the surviving knights. Knights who in turn do what they can to protect their people without bringing the orc’s wraith down on them.


The Scaro Conquest was ferocious and quick, many died, both defenders and innocent farmers. In the years since, a peace has settled over the land. Though the orcs are callous overlords, they still need the farmer’s skills in production. For the most part the communities live their lives as they always have, farming and carving out a simple life. Only now under the watchful eyes of orc garrisons. The fear of orc cruelty is common, but most pretend not to notice and hope they are not the next victim. Some greedy nobles have even begun working with the orcs to make a profit for themselves, while others work with the orcs in an attempt to buffer the people from their rage.

Geopolitical, Country

Capital: None

Native People: Vallen

Native Language: the Common Tongue

Golden wheat is a crop common throughout Val Avin. A wheat, with grains larger then in other areas, golden wheat only grows in the rich soil of the land. As such, most of the communities use some imagary of the wheat in their banners.

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