Vallen Ethnicity in Aldern | World Anvil

Vallen (VAL in)

the Farmers of the Valelans


Like their Tinjin cousins, the Vallen descend from the ancient Human people that settled the Thoamaine Peninsula in the time before the elves rose to power. Val Avin, their homeland, is rich with volcanic soil, and remote, leaving the Vallen to live lives removed from much of the political turmoil of the countless invasions and wars that plague the western reaches of Tobia's Gulf. When foreigners arrive in their lands the people have greeted them with an out stretched hands of peace and trade. A relatively passive people, Vallen have largely accepted and adapted to whatever power is in the region at the time.


Few Vallen hear the adventurers call that many of the other Farlanders answer to. A peaceful life of farming is at the heart of the people of Val Avin. Those few that have sought adventure traditionally became a warrior in the Knights of Avin. This is changing for the younger generation. The Orc occupation has seen many fought, die or flee. Vallen refuges are becoming more common in the ports of the Kingdom of Bronze, in hopes of being hired on to farmers in a ‘safer’ land. Though rare, some even seek out membership in Corps (adventurers guilds), hoping to learn fighting skills to take back home and free their families from the tyranny of the orcs.


Vallen tend to be taller than other natives of Thoamaine. They are thin with a redish tint to all but the darkest skin tones. Nearly all Vallen have brown hair, with the commoners having darker shades, while the nobility the lighter end of the pigment. Men are known to keep their hair trationally at shoulder length or shorter. They sport short trimmed beards. Women’s hair is kept longer, unbraided and straight, often tied or bowed loose behind their head and back. Eye colors range from any natural colors known to humans, though brown is most common.

Name Samples:

(male) Adlai, Boaz, Dawid, Ezra, Gideon, Kaliy, Mikha’el, Shaul, Tobias, Zachariah

(female) Asenta, Bath, Dinah, Dobarah, Elisheva, Gomer, Ketzi’eh, No’ah, Sarah, Zivah


Vallen surnames are taken from the individuals fathers name with a prefix based on the gender of the person. The prefix for a male is ‘Sohna; while a daughter will be prefixed with ‘Wichi.’ For example, two siblings would be Elisheva Wichidavid or Ezra Sohnadavid.

Race: Human

Ethnicity: Ismon

Alignment: Vallen tend to want a peaceful life, they gravitate neutral alignments.

Age: Vallen have an average lifespan for a human, living around 80 years.

Size: (Medium) Vallen men are often above 6 feet tall, while women average about 5 and a half feet.

Language: A land of farmers and peaceful traders the Common Tongue has long been part of the everyday lives of the Vallen. While scholars believe Maine was probably the populations original language, none speak it today. 


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